How to set up a new email account in the Outlook email client.
Continue reading Outlook email clientAll posts by Dennis
DIVI by Elegant Themes.
Continue reading DIVIEmails going into junk folder?
Are you finding some non-spam emails are going into your junk folder?
Here are some instructions to help you. Written for emails from, but you can easily use the same instructions for other addresses.
Thunderbird email client
How to set up a new email account in the Thunderbird email client.
Continue reading Thunderbird email client
Configure your gmail account for your domain
Setting up your Google gmail account to send emails using your own domain. Continue reading Configure your gmail account for your domain
Physioflow Pilates
The physio-flow website was a perfect example of the way our 2014 FREE website offer was designed to help small businesses get of the ground . . . Continue reading Physioflow Pilates
John telephoned Linda from Wild Ideas one evening after seeing Wild Ideas advert.
Linda had a good conversation with him reassuring him on how she works and arranged a meeting at his home the following week. Continue reading Acquaheat
Linda at Wild Ideas was introduced to Sapna, and her ayurvedic massage business by Bina.
Sapna wanted a website and logo for her new business, but like many people just starting out, was very limited with funds to pay for the service.
Continue reading Ayur-Ved
Walking for Nablus

In October 2013 Ann went on a pilgrimage with her sister and the Diocese of Leicester to Israel. The trip was split between Jerusalem and the shores of the Sea of Galilee. The pilgrimage visited all the main Christian sites including Bethlehem, Nazareth and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. They walked the Via Delarosa (the Stations of the Cross) as dawn broke across the old city of Jerusalem, watched the sun set over the Sea of Galilee; baked in the desert ruins of Masada and floated in the Dead Sea. Continue reading Walking for Nablus
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