DBN Web Design and Wild Ideas original graphic design were business associates for quite a few years.
But we are very sad to say that Wild Ideas original graphic design is no longer trading.
For the projects we worked with Linda on, we have all of Linda’s artwork so if your website, leaflets, business cards were designed by Linda and you require an update for them then please get in touch with Dennis Bell or Bina Nathwani at DBN Web Design and we will do our best to help you.
If we do not have the artwork for your project, we may still be able to help you so please get in touch.
Linda Jean Wild was a brilliant graphics designer! But we are now working with another great graphic designer.
As Linda used to believe, “If it doesn’t look good enough on the outside, they’ll not believe its good enough on the inside.” So the graphic design is the window of your website, and we develop just that for your business.
We believe, "It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it, that's what gets results"!
Please read Bina's tribute to Linda.